
 Primary Root Canal Treatment at Lower First Molar

Case presentation:

The case presented as previously initiated root canal treatment at the lower left first molar (LL6). The gentleman was experiencing occasional pain initiated by hot drinks.


Previously initiated endodontic treatment, with irreversible pulpitis and normal apical tissues.


  • Endodontic therapy was completed in a single visit.

  • Rubber dam isolation and thorough chemo-mechanical preparation was undertaken using Protaper Gold nickel titanium rotary files, sodium hypochlorite and EDTA.

  • Three root canals were found, the mesio-lingual canal converged with the mesio-buccal canal at 16mm.

  • The canals were obturated with warm vertical compaction and AH Plus sealer and a composite core placed.

  • LL6 was restored with an e-max crown and was symptomless at 12-month review.


Pre-operative radiograph

Cone fit radiograph

Post-operative radiograph

Radiograph at 12 month review