General dentistry and skilled endodontics by Dr. Jane Akhtar BSc, BDS, MSc (Endodontics)

 For Dental Professionals



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For Patients



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 Dr. Jane Akhtar has been treating patients on referral for endodontics since 2019, and attained an MSc in Endodontics, with distinction, from The University of Chester (2022). Having qualified from Cardiff University in 1993, she has over 30 years of general dental experience and is happy to accept referrals for the following treatments:

Diagnosis and second opinion non-surgical endodontics
Curved canals
Perforation repairs
Narrow or calcified canals
Broken instrument and post removal
MTA apexification (open apices)
Trauma cases

Jane is also happy to discuss cases, and view radiographs from the referring dentist if reassurance about the case is needed

Making a referral


Step 1: Fill out the short referral form.

Step 2: We will contact your patient to arrange a consultation.

Step 3: The consultation will include a thorough dental examination and a discussion about how we can best treat the case, including success rate and prognosis. X-rays and and CT scans (if necessary) will be included.

Step 4: Both you and your patient will receive a detailed report and treatment plan.

Step 5: Treatment will be carried out and a follow-up appointment scheduled.

Step 6: Once treatment has successfully completed, your patient will be returned to your care for the coronal restoration.

